Healing From Within

(Loving the body you’re in, healing from the inside out)

Are you frustrated, in pain, and exhausting yourself going from doctor to doctor trying to figure out how to fix what’s going on?

Does it feel like your health and physical condition is getting the best of you and taking over your life?

I understand what it’s like to lose yourself in the ongoing stress of trying to “fix” a condition. Years and years of being in pain, spending thousands of dollars, not getting the results and healing I wanted led me to a very low and depleted state. This experience not only happened once, but over a dozen times. Only until I found that the healing I needed was to be done inside of my consciousness did I realize how powerful the mind-body manifestation truly is.

Negative emotions can precede physical disease and have been linked to heart disease, weight gain, thyroid disease, back pain, IBS, hair loss, cancer, arthritis, and autoimmune disease to name a few. These negative mental and emotional states have a significant impact on our physical health. The field of psychoneuroimmunology has revealed that stress and negative thoughts increase inflammation in the body, raise blood pressure, glucose levels, and cortisol levels. Stress not only creates weight gain, makes recovery and healing more challenging, but takes away from the joy we want to experience in life.

Through our mind, body, and life choices, we have the power to raise or lower our immune system simply by the thoughts we feed our brain. These thoughts are merely habits that can be broken and replaced with supportive, healthy, and happy ones.

This is for you if:

  • Healthy lifestyles seem to only last a few weeks or even days.
  • Each day seems like a struggle and you want your life back.
  • You experience shame with your body or your physical condition or appearance.
  • You have good intentions to get fit and healthy, but life keeps getting in the way.
  • You feel overwhelmed after leaving the doctor’s office or with your diagnosis.
  • You are ready to address the mental and emotional root cause of your condition, pain or suffering.
  • You would like to have new life skills and tools to know what to do when stress or challenges happen.
  • Having a partner to support you in staying accountable and consistent would be valuable to you.
  • You are ready to take your health into your own hands.

Through my own personal journey of healing, receiving my Masters to facilitate other’s healing, and years of working and studying alongside naturopaths, eastern and western medical doctors, physical therapists, medical intuitives, psychologists, and world-renowned leaders in the healing arts, I have created a multi-modal philosophy, utilizing a vast understanding of medicine, psychology, coaching, and spirituality.

In traditional schooling, we were not taught how to cope with life’s challenges and given tools to use to handle trauma or everyday stress. This package will teach you practical and tangible tools to heal and rewire the pain signals and negative mental and emotional habits. With each coaching session, you will be given a step by step guide to gain strength in your body, emotions, and your day to day choices. I will teach you ways to release and forgive painful experiences from the past and put a stop to the negative self-talk once and for all. You will strengthen your boundaries, intuition, your self-worth, your relationship with yourself and others, and take self-care to the next level. I look forward to showing you how you can heal with the innate wisdom of your mind and heart. And most importantly you can love your body, enjoy the healing process, and live a life of peace and loving acceptance.

Here’s What’s Included:

10 hours of Private Coaching

  • Appointments meet once per week or every other week. Total duration = 4 months. This amount of time ensures the consistency, accountability, and focus needed to make a significant change. In this amount of time, I have witnessed over and over the results my clients are looking for. In each session, you will receive easy to grasp practical tools, techniques, methods, and strategies to help you achieve what you are looking for. Each session is packed with value and fun.
  • These sessions are either in-person, by phone, or via virtual video conferencing with Crystal. Each way is equally valuable and you will receive the same amount of connection and quality.
  • In our first session, we will take a holistic view of all the aspects of your life, declare intentions and priorities, and be set up for some real movement for the sessions to come. During each of our 60 minute sessoins, we will be taking a deep dive into accomplishing a project or goal of your dreams and ridding yourself of everything that has stood in your way before. I will show you a systematic approach to finding your purpose and direction.

Materials, Extras, and Free Stuff

  • Tools and homework to use in between sessions – These worksheets and home assignments will keep you aligned with your intentions and help you stay focused and moving along.
  • Resources – I work with a team of naturopaths, medical doctors, healingpractitioners, alternative therapies, and like-minded professionals who weconsult and lean on when our clients have unique needs or concerns. TheNourish Medical Center team is committed to your health and success.
  • 2 Free 15 minute “spot coaching” sessions to be used in-betweensessions. As well as a private Hippa compliant email messaging systemshould you have questions, request feedback, or simply a way to shareyour wins with me.

If this sounds good to you, give yourself the support you need to heal your body from the inside out. You deserve to love your body, feel good, and live a life of vitality and longevity.

Total Investment:

(this is your package discounted rate)

Want In?

GREAT! I can’t wait to help you love the body you’re in. Let’s start off by booking a free consultation to meet and discuss how we will work together, answer any of your questions, and set up a schedule that works for you.


Book either your free consult to see if we are a good match, or just jump right in and begin with your first session right away by clicking below. This scheduling system is only a request, someone will get back with you to confirm your appointment within 12 hours or less.